creatively address your

mind, body and soul

Your one stop shop, for all your health and wellness needs.

All of our services can be booked individually or can be packaged together.


We are a team of Los Angeles based mental health providers, partnering with eastern and western medical professionals that collaborate to help you achieve sustainable and accessible wellness goals.

Sustainable, long-lasting change takes root by maintaining wellness across the mind and body, while being held accountable to those changes. Your lifestyle coach is an additional support that will hold you accountable to your mind and body goals.

We believe every individual deserves to be honored through their experiences, culture, and diverse lifestyles. We all have lived a lifestyle that is worth nurturing in a positive wellness direction.

Why Our Services Work

  • In-Depth Evaluation

    Your complimentary initial evaluation will be conducted by a licensed mental health professional. This provider will gather background information, assess your areas of strengths and growth, discuss your desired lifestyle goals, and consider needs for service.

  • Lifestyle Coach

    An optional service is being assigned a licensed mental health clinician who provides weekly check-ins, helps keep you accountable, assists in breaking through the barriers of accomplishing your goals, and facilities coordination of care.

  • Customized Treatment

    Your evaluation and personal treatment goals lend the framework for individualized recommendations from our in-house or trusted providers.

  • Collaborative Care

    We believe it takes a village. With your permission, your TLC coach will facilitate communication with your community of health and wellness providers, assist in scheduling appointments, and hold you accountable to your goals.

  • Experienced Professionals

    TLC manages a group of collaborative multidisciplinary practitioners who have been carefully selected and vetted by trusted colleagues due to their expertise, skills, patient-centered care, and experience.

  • Outcomes

    Your success is our success! At The Lifestyle Collective, we not only want to assist you in creating change, we want your outcomes to be realistic, sustainable, and long lasting.

receive customized service that fits your lifestyle

Here’s how it works

step one

begin by filling out our SIGN UP form to start Creating the lifestyle you have always wanted.

step TWO

Now it’s time to receive your personalized treatment from our dedicated group of experts.

step three

Stay connected as we are here to help you achieve sustainable and accessible wellness goals.

We are a dedicated AND collaborative group of experts, here to bridge the gap for the body to effectively connect with mind movement. This is attained through stigma free, convenient, and assessable health & wellness services.

— Founders, Sheila Khaleghian and Lynn Marie Saso