Nutritionist / Dietitian

Hoda is a Clinical Dietitian at UCLA Medical Center where she works with critically-ill patients.

She grew up in southern California and received her Bachelor’s degree from UCLA. She also obtained a four-year graduate degree in Nutrition & Dietetics at California State University, Northridge. She then obtained her degree as a Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist after conducting her clinical rotations at Cedars Sinai Hospital.

Throughout her training and current work, Hoda seeks to provide patients with optimal and research-based nutrition therapy. She believes heavily in the power of food and nutrition. It has been a passion of hers to help others in this manner. She does not subscribe to fad diets and unrealistic lifestyles. Hoda believes that optimal health can be achieved by being mindful of the decisions we make in regard to our food. She utilizes her Instagram page @HealthyByHoda to provide the general population with real nutrition information.