Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

Anthony has been working in the field of mental healthcare and substance abuse treatment since 2017. He began his career in a sober living environment, working to help adults navigate early recovery while building a healthy foundation for continued success. While receiving his graduate degree, Anthony interned at a local non-profit counseling center and worked in a primary mental health transitional living facility. These opportunities provided him with a wealth of experience counseling clients of varying race, religion, backgrounds, sexual and gender identity, and socio-economic status.

Since completing his graduate degree, Anthony has worked as an individual therapist, clinical coach, and group facilitator. Anthony specializes in addiction treatment through work history and personal understanding. He utilizes a holistic approach to therapy focusing on behavioral and family systems modalities as each client is a sum of their background, beliefs, and environment. Anthony’s approach stems from a person-centered, strengths-based perspective.

Each person comes to therapy with an innate set of skills that can be identified and embraced to support a whole person approach. Anthony received his Masters of Arts in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles and is a registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist (AMFT).