Individual, Couples, Family & Group Psychotherapy

DiGiulio brings a long standing career as a Film Producer/Industry Executive and a depth oriented approach to her clinical work as a therapist. Her journey began retelling human interest dramas that explored lives marginalized through criminal negligence, sexual abuse, and addiction. Through this work, she discovered a growing need to see through the wound toward a deeper understanding of what motivates the human spirit. She earned her Master’s degree in Clinical Counseling & Depth Psychology at the Pacifica Graduate Institute.

DiGuilio created Family Sundays “focused on psycho education around the family system disease of addiction, issues of Co-Dependency and the importance of creating a family Relapse Prevention Plan for all family members. DiGiulio has been instrumental in designing and supporting multi-modal process curriculum for working professionals catering to both working individuals and those transitioning back into a less structured therapeutic environment.

Her groups, “In Depth Psyche “and “Recovery of the Creative Self,” have garnered favor from creative individuals, trauma survivors who are stuck in painful chronic patterns and are ready to delve deeper into the underlying issues; to break the painful cycle of negative self-sabotaging, and self-limiting behaviors. Through helping clients facilitate an upward spiral, and then maintaining and following it, breakthroughs occur; when the wounded places are revisited with greater insight and less reactivity real growth and change become possible. When pain and chaos no longer hold the lure of a familiar friend with addiction or life trauma as the only secure attachment, the pain-fueled resiliency has allowed the wound to transform into a walking stick.

DiGiulio is licensed marriage and family therapist continuing to advanced level “Dream Tending II” Certification with Dr. Stephen Aizenstat deepening her narrative practice and Analytical orientation to psychotherapy. She is currently completing a PHP degree in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology. Additionally, she is Certification level trained in Brainspotting, and Trauma Disassociation and the Soul with Donald Kalsched. Primary therapeutic modalities include CBT, DBT, MI, Attachment and Object Relations Theory, Depth Oriented praxis; Image based Narrative therapies, SE, Mindfulness, and Brainspotting. Trauma focused specialties include working with nightmares, and all facets of PTSD. MH specialties include all personality Disorders with emphasis on BPD, and MH specific to Anxiety, Depression, and Bipolar disorder.

Amanda DiGiulio has a private practice in the westside of LA, and works along LM Therapy with her family system program co-facilitated by Lynn Marie Saso. For the family system program please send inquiry below or for more information on working individually with Amanda DiGuilio in her private practice.